Natal Chart Astrology Reading

1hr one-on-one readings with Geneen.


We will dig into what your soul has come here to investigate, essentially what your soul has come to learn, what tools you brought with you to this life, and the shadows that you need to face to evolve and step into your power.  I will guide you on how to use these in your current experience so that you will be able to tap into life challenges with less resistance.

This information can help you can fully participate with the energy you're naturally aligned with and ultimately to help you own your purpose and see your obstacles as lessons that you are capable of handling. You can emerge and see your challenges and gifts in a new light. This will then allow a deeper enthusiastic understanding of your life intent and gracefully guide you into your power.

In your 1hr reading, you will: 

  • Learn in great detail about your natal birth chart

  • Tap into your soul’s evolution and your current life intent

  • Learn how to tackle your challenges and shadows

  • Shine light on your gifts

What you need to prepare:

  • Your birth time and date



Geneen will contact you to book a reading once you have filled out “Join my Community”