Astrology Courses

Want to learn ASTROLOGY but haven't known where to start?
Let me help you with that.


Essential Astrology Course (Level 1)

This interactive 6 week class will get you up to speed so you can start to understand the beautiful language of astrology. This paradigm provides a structure that allows you to start to identify your shadows and a pattern to start the healing journey.

It allows for a greater understanding of our human experience and emphasizes/teaches compassion and understanding of others. Who doesn't need that?


What will I learn in this course?

  • What is astrology + How it works

  • Your own Astrological DNA

  • Keys to self-understanding

  • Your soul's journey

  • Embracing the 12 archetypes - the zodiac + their sacred order

  • The roles the planets, nodes and chrion play in ones chart

When is it?

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm PST on Zoom
March 22- April 26th 2023


What is included in the course?

  • Live zoom classes. You're learning from human me, not a recording of me

  • Take home PDF of notes

  • Private FB group for support

  • Worksheets to guide you through the process

  • Q&A opportunities

  • Recordings of all classes (so need to worry if you miss one)

Why do I need to take this course?

Astrology is a life journey. A pattern that is always moving and growing. A brilliant language to guide/support you through life.

Once you understand this sacred pattern you will be able to dive deeper into yourself. You will be able to understand other people with more compassion and patience. Eventually, you will be able to read the charts and flow with the energies provided by the universe.


$249 per household
For the first 10 people to sign up



Embodiment of the Planets in the 12 Archetypes
(Level 2)

Reading a Natal Birth Chart (Level 3)

Reading Transits (Level 4)